“Talent is good, when you train it better, and if you add passion… sublime”. Frank Lloyd Wright

We are your executive search firm 


We look for the professionals you need,
… the ones that will make your company grow.


The formula is simple, at Executives On Go 

  • We put at your disposal our experience, from many headhunting processes, from all our clients, so that you have the best contribution of the latest market trends with the best results.  
  • We get involved in each project, getting to know each client, their market, their organization and their objectives in depth. 
  • We are professionals who have solid experience in management positions in multinational, national and family companies.
  • We have experienced the needs, challenges and objectives of our clients before. 
  • We understand the keys of the economic environment to achieve the proposed goals. 
  • And we are also concerned with brand image and corporate social responsibility. 

For all these reasons, we offer the best advice, with sincerity and transparency. Relationships, like business, are built on trust.

This is how we are, a partner who excites and puts passion and creativity into all their work.


In addition, we provide solutions related to talent management, its development, commitment, retention and separation of professionals. 

 These are our services: 

Trabajamos en estrecha colaboración con las empresas y sus profesionales

If you want to be wise, learn to question reasonably, to listen carefully, to answer calmly, and to be silent when you have nothing to say.

Johann Kaspar Lavater (1741-1801) Swiss philosopher, poet and theologian.

Saber que se sabe lo que se sabe y que no se sabe lo que no se sabe; he aquí el verdadero saber.

Confucio (551 AC-478 AC) Filósofo chino.

El sabio no se sienta para lamentarse,
sino que se pone alegremente a su tarea de reparar el daño hecho.

William Shakespeare (1564-1616) Escritor británico.

La sabiduría consiste en saber cuál es el siguiente paso;
la virtud, en llevarlo a cabo.

David Starr Jordan (1851-1931) Educador e ictiólogo estadounidense.

Saber y saberlo demostrar es valer dos veces.

Baltasar Gracián (1601-1658) Escritor español.

Todo hombre es tonto de remate al menos durante cinco minutos al día.
La sabiduría consiste en no rebasar el límite.

Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915) Ensayista estadounidense.

Hay dos maneras de difundir la luz… ser la lámpara que la emite, o el espejo que la refleja.

Lin Yutang (1895-1976) Escritor y filólogo chino.

No es sabio el que sabe dónde está el tesoro, sino el que trabaja y lo saca.

Francisco de Quevedo (1580-1645) Escritor español.

No se puede desatar un nudo sin saber cómo está hecho.

Aristóteles (384 AC-322 AC) Filósofo griego.

Podrás comprar sus manos y su fuerza, jamás su mente y corazón.
